Potion of Ogre Stench – DnD new magic item
This foul concoction was created by an alchemist trying to create a Potion of Ogre Strength. When you drink it, you gain the stench of ogre musk for 1 hour.
Herman Vile – new DnD wererat villain
The front man of Herman’s Vermin is an aging wererat bard, one of many musician NPCs in BARD HARD, a one-shot Dungeons & Dragons adventure for high level bards.
Flame of the Phoenix – DnD new magic sword
The red chromatic blade is larger than the other four blades and glows with an inner flame. It contains the soul of Chyronaxiar, an ancient Red Dragon.
Abolithid – new DnD mind flayer hybrid
Centuries ago, an aboleth was taken over by the larva of a mind flayer, creating a highly intelligent hybrid that soon grew as powerful as an elder brain.
Fangenfrost – DnD new magic sword
The white chromatic blade is translucent like a shard of ice with a hilt that is cold to the touch. It contains the soul of Kyllisairu, an ancient White Dragon.
Powerball – new DnD spell
A ball of crackling energy formed around Sarata. The ranger dashed forward and the Powerball rolled straight through the advancing horde.
The Nightsaber – DnD new magic sword
The black chromatic blade is a curved saber made of an unknown dark metal that shimmers like the night sky. It contains the soul of an ancient Black Dragon.
Temple of the Viper Queen – DnD battle map
Deep in the jungle, an ancient temple has been reclaimed by a yuan-ti cult led by the Viper Queen. A free download VTT battle map for Dungeons and Dragons.
Scimitar of the Stormy Sea – DnD magic item
The blue chromatic blade has a crosspiece shaped like lightning bolts and is made of steel that sparks when touched. It contains the soul of a Blue Dragon.
10 Strange Discoveries on the Open Seas – Dungeon Master Resources
The ocean is full of dangers and mysteries. Add one of these strange discoveries to your next Dungeons and Dragons adventure set on the open seas.