Fangenfrost – DnD new magic sword

Fangenfrost the white Chromatic Blade

For the fourth Friday of Swordtober, we’re showcasing another powerful magic sword from our upcoming module series “The Chromatic Blades”.


Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement)

The white chromatic blade is translucent like a shard of ice with a hilt that is cold to the touch. It contains the soul of Kyllisairu, an ancient White Dragon.

You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

Freezing Blade. You can use a bonus action to frost the blade with a freezing sheen. The frost remains for 1 minute. Any creature struck by the frosted blade takes an additional 1d6+3 cold damage. That creature must also succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take one level of exhaustion. If the creature takes more damage from the frosted blade and fails its saving throw again, it takes another level of exhaustion. Fangenfrost can be used this way 3 times each day.

While attuned to the sword and holding it, you have resistance to cold damage.

Fangenfrost can also cast Ice Storm at 4th level (2d8 bludgeoning damage and 4d6 cold damage on a failed Dexterity save), and Cone of Cold at 5th level (8d8 damage), each once per day.

Proficiency with a longsword allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.


The five Chromatic Blades were created by Livi Tombledink after her home was devastated by Tiamat. The gnome artificer forged the powerful weapons with the help of several magic users including drow matron Maricosa Fiett and the ancient gold dragon Augeris the Broken.

Tombledink enlisted a party of adventurers to help her trap five ancient chromatic dragons inside the magic swords. Fueled by the captive dragons within, the Chromatic Blades became legendary tools in the fight against the evil forces of Tiamat.

The white Chromatic Blade was wielded by the human warrior Talon Shin who named it “Fangenfrost”. It was stolen from Shin’s tomb by agents of the white dragon Vinciarakin. Instead of freeing her captive mother’s soul, Vinciarakin hid Fangenfrost in her lair beneath the Ruins of Gilandrian.

Fangenfrost the white Chromatic Blade card 1
Fangenfrost the white Chromatic Blade card 1
Fangenfrost the white Chromatic Blade card 2
Fangenfrost the white Chromatic Blade card 2
Fangenfrost the white Chromatic Blade card 3
Fangenfrost the white Chromatic Blade card 3

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