Arcane Treasures is now on Kickstarter
Arcane Treasures contains dozens of new magic items, monsters, and spells for your favorite fantasy roleplaying game. Each magic item includes an adventure hook
Fan of Feathers – new DnD 5e magic item
This magic folding fan for Dungeons & Dragons can do more than cool you off. Turn the fan into a weapon or a defensive shield, or confound your foes with a…
Staff of Necromancy – new DnD wizards staff
This new magic staff for Dungeons & Dragons gives your wizard the powers to raise, summon, and control the dead. Deal necrotic damage or heal yourself with…
Bracers of Web Slinging – DnD magic item
Do whatever a spider can with this new magic item for Dungeons & Dragons. These magic bracers let your character climb walls, shoot webs, and everything else
Vortex – new Dungeons and Dragons spell
This new evocation spell for Dungeons & Dragons creates a whirlwind or a whirlpool that your character can control. The vortex sucks up any Medium or smaller…
Serpent Spear – new magic weapon for DnD
This new magic item for Dungeons & Dragons is a spear that can transform into a giant venomous snake. At higher tiers, you can make poisonous attacks and…
Stretch Body – new spell for DnD 5e
This new abjuration spell for Dungeons & Dragons allows you to stretch your body for extra speed and reach with melee attacks.
Boom Hatchet – new DnD magic weapon
This new magic item for Dungeons & Dragons is a combines the close quarters lethality of a hand axe with the explosive power of a blunderbuss.
Masque of Madness – new spell for DnD 5e
This new illusion spell creates a horrifying mask that can frighten creatures or drive them insane. Its maddening powers grow more powerful when cast at higher
Wayfinder Compass – new DnD magic item
This new magic item for Dungeons & Dragons is a compass that can guide you home or point to something that you need, like food or healing.