This new magic item for Dungeons & Dragons is a mask with the powers of disguise and deception. Perfect for rogues and tricksters!
Mask of the Deceiver
Wondrous Item, uncommon [Tier1]
(requires attunement)
Weight: 1 lb.
Specially made for the chain devil Siraak, leader of the Deep Shadows assassin’s guild, this infernal iron mask grows in power with its wearer.
Disguise. While wearing this mask, you can use an action to cast the Disguise Self spell from it at will. The spell ends if the mask is removed.
Rare [Tier 2] upgrade
When you achieve level 5 while attuned to the mask, it gains 3 new features.
Charm. While wearing this mask, you can use an action to cast the Charm Person spell from it against one humanoid. This feature can be used a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus.
Deception. While wearing this mask, you have advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks.
Improved Disguise. Creatures have disadvantage on Intelligence (Investigation) checks to see through your disguise.

Very Rare [Tier 3] upgrade
When you achieve level 10 while attuned to the mask, the mask gains 2 new features.
Improved Charm. Creatures have disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws against your charm.
Invisibility. While wearing this mask, you can use an action to cast the Invisibility spell on yourself from it. The spell ends if the mask is removed. This feature can be used a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus.
Legendary [Tier 4] upgrade
When you achieve level 17 while attuned to the mask, the mask gains 2 new features.
Mislead. While wearing this mask, you can use an action to cast the Mislead spell from it. The spell ends if the mask is removed. This feature can be used a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus.
Polymorph. While wearing this mask, you can use an action to cast the Polymorph spell on yourself from it. The spell ends if the mask is removed. This feature can be used a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus.

Power Tiers
To help Game Masters determine which player character levels a magic item is appropriate for, each item is assigned a power tier.
Tier 1: Levels 1 – 4
Common and Uncommon items for characters still learning their abilities.
Tier 2: Levels 5 – 10
Uncommon and Rare items for characters who are seasoned adventurers.
Tier 3: Levels 11 – 16
Very Rare items for characters who are established masters of their class.
Tier 4: Levels 17 +
Legendary items for characters who are like superheroes or demigods.
An item’s power tier is only a suggestion, and the GM should consider how each item would best fit with their campaign and player characters.
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