This magic item for Dungeons & Dragons is a sword enchanted with the power of a black dragon. The Nightsaber grows in power with its wielder, eventually unlocking the black Chromatic Armor.
The Nightsaber
Weapon (scimitar), rare [Tier 2]
(requires attunement)
Damage: 1d6+1 slashing
Weight: 3 lbs.
Properties: Finesse, Light
The black chromatic blade is a curved saber made of an unknown dark metal that shimmers like the night sky. It contains the soul of Villixonyx, an ancient black dragon.
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
Acid Blade. You can use a bonus action to coat the blade with acid. The coating remains for 1 minute. Any creature struck by the coated blade takes an additional 1d6+3 acid damage. That creature must also succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take an additional 1d6 acid damage at the start of its next turn. This feature can be used a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus.
As an action, the Nightsaber can cut through nonmagical solid material (such as stone, wood, or steel) at the rate of 5 feet per turn at a depth of up to 3 ft (the length of the blade).
Acid Resistance. While attuned to the Nightsaber and holding it, you have resistance to acid damage.

Very Rare [Tier 3] upgrade
When you achieve level 10 while attuned to the Nightsaber, you have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.
The Nightsaber has 8 charges and regains 1d4 + 4 expended charges each day at midnight.
Spellcasting. You can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: acid splash (1 charge), acid arrow (2 charges), or disintegrate (6 charges).
Dark Strike. When you hit a creature or object with the Nightsaber, you can choose to also cast darkness on the target. While holding the Nightsaber, you can see through this magical darkness if you have darkvision. This feature can be used a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus.
When you find the Onyx Amulet while attuned to the Nightsaber, you can also use the Chromatic Armor.
Chromatic Armor. Once per long rest, you can use a bonus action to activate a matching set of power armor from the Onyx Amulet. The Nightsaber is temporarily attached to the armor, which remains active for 5 minutes before it deactivates and returns to the amulet.

Black Chromatic Armor
Armor (mecha), Tier 3
The black armor is made for stealth. While wearing this armor, you gain the following benefits:
· Immunity to acid damage.
· You can take the Hide action as a bonus action.
· +2 bonus to AC
· +1 bonus to melee and ranged attacks (stacked on other bonuses)
· +10 ft. walking speed, or 60 ft. flying speed
The armor does not require proficiency and does not interfere with your stealth or spellcasting.

Legendary [Tier 4] upgrade
When you achieve level 17 while attuned to the Nightsaber, you have a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.
The Nightsaber has 12 charges and regains 1d6 + 6 expended charges each day at midnight.
Acid Breath. You use an action and expend 3 charges to exhale acid in a 60-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 8d6 acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
When you find the Dragon Queen airship while attuned to the Nightsaber and your companions are attuned to the four other Chromatic Blades, together you can form the Chromatic Titan.
Chromatic Titan. Once per day, you can use an action to merge your black chromatic armor with the other four armor and the Dragon Queen airship to form the Chromatic Titan.
The Chromatic Titan’s stats and rules for Mecha vs Kaiju combat will be included in an upcoming project.

The five Chromatic Blades were created by Livi Tombledink after her home was devastated by Tiamat. The gnome artificer forged the powerful weapons with the help of several magic users including drow matron Maricosa Fiett and the ancient gold dragon Augeris the Broken.
Tombledink enlisted a party of adventurers to help her trap five ancient chromatic dragons within the magic swords. Fueled by the captive dragons within, the Chromatic Blades became legendary tools in the fight against the evil forces of Tiamat.
The black Chromatic Blade was claimed by Maricosa Fiett, ruler of the drow city Y’leylon. She called it “The Nightsaber” and gave it to her son, the assassin D’oulban Fiett. He lost the Nightsaber and his right arm in the dungeons of Demon’s Head Keep.

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