This new magic item for Dungeons & Dragons is a set of multi-sided crystals that resemble polyhedral dice. Each polyhedron has unique powers to help your D&D character.
Polyhedrons of Kismet
Wondrous Item, varies
Weight: none
These multi-sided crystals were created by the goddess of luck to aid her followers. Anyone who possesses a complete set of Polyhedrons is considered a paragon of good luck.

Tetrahedron (Uncommon). A four sided crystal has these properties:
- Beginner’s Luck. You can add 1d4 to an attack roll or a saving throw. This feature can be used a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus.
- D4s on the Floor. Once per day, you can use an Action to cover a 20-foot-square area within 30 feet of yourself with tiny pointed pyramids. The area becomes Difficult Terrain for the duration. When a creature moves into or within the area, it takes 1d4 Piercing damage for every 5 feet it travels. The hazard disappears after 5 minutes.

Cube (Rare). A six sided crystal has these properties:
- Gambler’s Luck. You can add 1d6 to an attack roll or a saving throw. This feature can be used a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus.
- Snake Eyes. Once per day, you gain Darkvision 60 ft. and Blindsight 10 ft. for 1 hour.
- Stone Blocks. Once per day, you can create up to six 5-foot cubes of stone, which you arrange as you like. Each Cube must be contiguous with at least one other Cube. The cubes disappear after a number of hours equal to your proficiency bonus.

Octahedron (Very Rare). An eight sided crystal has these properties:
- Wild Luck. As a Reaction when a creature makes an attack against you, you can roll 1d8 and subtract the result from the creature’s attack roll. This feature can be used a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus.
- Octahydra. Once per day, you can use an Action to summon a Hydra that has 8 heads. The creature is an ally to you and your allies. In combat, it shares your Initiative count, but it takes its turn immediately after yours. It obeys your verbal commands (no action required by you). If you don’t issue any, it takes the Dodge action and uses its movement to avoid danger. The hydra makes as many bite attacks as it has heads. It disappears after 8 minutes, when it drops to 0 Hit Points, or you use a Bonus Action to dismiss it.

Trapezohedron (Very Rare). A ten sided crystal has these properties:
- It’s a Trap. You can cast Find Traps a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus.
- Lucky Strike. When you make a successful attack, you can use a Bonus Action to add this property before rolling damage. Replace any d4s, d6s, and d8s used for your damage roll with d10s. If the damage roll already uses 1 or more d10s, add another d10 to the damage. This feature can be used a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus.
- Luck Breaker. Once per day, one critical hit against you becomes a normal hit.

Dodecahedron (Very Rare). A twelve sided crystal has these properties:
- Gambler’s Curse. As a Bonus Action, you can place a curse on one creature you can see. The target must make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw. A target that fails this save must subtract 1d12 from its next attack roll or saving throw.
- Lucky Streak. When you make a successful attack, you can use a Bonus Action to add this property before rolling damage. Replace any d10 or lower used for your damage roll with a d12. If you roll a 12 on the d12, you can roll another d12, and add it to the damage. The maximum number of these d12s you can add to the damage equals your proficiency bonus.
- Protective Sphere. You can cast Globe of Invulnerability once per day.

Icosahedron (Legendary). A twenty sided crystal has these properties:
- Dice Jail. Once per day, as a Reaction when you fail a saving throw by rolling a natural 1, you can attempt to banish the creature that triggered the saving throw. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or be transported to a harmless demiplane for 1 minute. The target reappears in the space it left or in the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied.
- Kismet’s Blessing. You can add 1d20 to an attack roll or a saving throw. This feature can be used a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus.
- Power Gamble. As an Action, you make a risky move against one creature within sight. Roll 1d20. If the result is equal to or greater than the creature’s CR, the creature takes 1d20 Force damage. If you roll a 20, the creature takes 2d20 Force damage instead. If your roll is less than the creature’s CR, the creature takes no damage. If you roll a 1 or 2, you take 1d20 Force damage. This feature can be used a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus.

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